Why Does My Dog Stare at Me? Understanding Your Pup’s Fixation
Celeste ZosimoHave you ever found your dog sitting alone in a corner and staring intently at you? Whether you're reading a book, preparing their food, or when you're about to sleep, they always have an eye on you. This makes you wonder, why does my dog stare at me like that?
They Love Us
This may be a biased theory, as we want our dogs to love us, but we humans stare at people we adore, so why shouldn’t our dog? According to studies, mutual staring between humans and pets releases the same hormones found during mother and child bonding between humans. When you see your pup gazing at you, it may be a sign that they love you.

Oxytocin is the hormone that builds up feelings of love and trust. When we and our dog gaze into each other's eyes, we can feel an increase in oxytocin levels. This strengthens the sense of bonding and attachment, making the bond stronger.
They're Reading Us
When they say dogs are man's best friends, it may be because they are the animals most in tune with us humans. They stare at us to read our body language and anticipate what we're going to do or what we're feeling at the moment. In short, they may be looking for cues on what we want them to do next.

Our dogs have learned some of our habits, so they wait and see if there are any opportunities for treats, cuddles, or an exciting outdoor adventure.
They Want Something
Dogs can sometimes stare at us because they want something. We may have unintentionally taught them that they can get something from us when they stare longingly. When they do, we are somewhat compelled to act on it, reinforcing the behavior.

This is a common scenario at the dinner table. When they stare long enough, they're sure to get a morsel of food. Or when they stare at you when you're by the door, indicating they want to go out for a potty break.
They're Looking for Attention
If our dogs want attention, the best way for them to get it is through staring. If they feel a little ignored, they will gawk at us until we give in for a few pets here and there. It may not be something big, just a belly rub or a quick stroke will do as long as we acknowledge their presence.

If you notice them doing this more often, it may be that they are bored and need stimulation. You may want to walk them for sunshine, air, and exercise.
They're Confused
We often see our doggos tilting their heads while staring at us. This may be a sign that they are confused and are looking for answers from you. Much as we're trying to figure out what they want, they are also trying to figure out what we want!

If you catch them staring at you, especially when you ask them to do something, go back to your training. It may be that you both need to relearn how to communicate clearly. If you ask them to sit and they only stare back, it may be time to retrain the behavior.
They're Generally Curious

Dogs are generally curious and may stare at us because something has caught their interest, such as an unfamiliar scent or sight. They rely heavily on their sight to absorb information about you, their surroundings, and the environment. They stare to inspect and analyze a situation to allow them to gather more details.
They Want Your Protection
When your dog stares at you while on a potty break, it may be because they feel vulnerable. Their gaze may mean they are looking to you for protection and reassurance. This is because dogs are defenseless while pooping and aren't in a position to run away or fight.

Thus, you can think of their staring at you while pooping as a compliment. They see you as their protector and trusted shield who keeps an eye out for danger. You may want to reassure them if this is the case by calmly talking to them while doing the deed.
They're Experiencing Cognitive Dysfunction

If you have an older dog that stares at you for no apparent reason, it may be a sign of a condition known as Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in dogs. If they look disoriented, or forgetful, or if they roam around aimlessly, you may want to make a visit to your vet soon.
What You Can Do About It
If your dog's staring behavior is making you uncomfortable, here are a few things you might want to try doing:
Redirect their attention: Try to distract your dog by redirecting their focus on you onto something else. Give them a treat or toy or give them a command they're familiar with, such as "down" or "sit." Reward them for breaking their stare to reinforce the behavior you want to see in them.
Stimulate their minds: Give your staring dog puzzles, toys, and treats or play games with them to work both their brain and body. Do this if you suspect boredom, as a tired dog will be less likely to stare.
Use positive reinforcement: Never scold your dog for staring, instead, look for opportunities to reward them when they are not gawking at you. When they are not staring, reward or praise them as a positive reinforcement of the behavior you prefer.
Add more time for playtime and exercise: When a dog is bored and has pent-up physical and mental energy, they may resort to constant staring. They will do it as an activity to pass the time. To avoid this, make sure that you are giving them ample time for vigorous exercise daily. You can also play interactive games together to help them use the extra energy while strengthening your bond.
Be consistent: You can stop your dog from intense staring, but it takes time. This means you have to be consistent and patient with them. Firmly redirect the undesirable behavior until they eventually learn not to.